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What to Wear to Your Solo Portrait Session

I think the number one question I get, and the biggest one I have for myself, is "What do I wear?" I get it. You see your whole closet and it seems like nothing is good enough for this experience. You want to make sure your photos will look good on a wall, in a photo album, and even on your social media feed. Well, don't worry! I'm here to help you pick amazing outfits that are true to you and make you feel and look your best.

So, get comfy, take a deep breath, and tell yourself that you've got this. (Because we're in this together!) Let's jump into tips and tricks.


If you have specific locations in mind, I'm all ears! And if you don't, that's okay too. Let's make sure to chat about what kind of feel you want for your photos. (i.e. Urban & buildings, nature with trees, etc.)

Number of outfits:

This one depends on the type of session you've booked. If you've booked a session that includes one outfit, then all you have to worry about is the one! Depending on the session, the most I recommend is having 5 outfits. Anything more than that can seem overwhelming! You also want to make sure that you have enough time to get your photos taken. Having too many outfits can limit the amount of time available for photos. And I want you to have the best experience and get the most out of our session!

This now leads me into colors. I tell this to everyone, and to my past clients, I may sound lie a broken record. But NEUTRALS are the best! Neutral shades of pinks, purples, blues, etc. are always gorgeous! Don't be afraid to check out bright colors or patterns, though. Check with your photographer about locations and make sure colors from your outfit won't clash with colors of the location.

Hair & makeup:

This is going to sound obvious, but I have to say it anyways! If you don’t like the way your hair and makeup is on the day of your session, then you won’t like the way it looks in photos. Why? Because if you don’t feel your best, you’re not going to act like you feel your best. And that translated to how you pose and how you’re going to look during the session. Does that make sense?

Another tip: your makeup should be heavier than it would be on a normal basis. In photos, people have a tendency to look washed out (even after some editing.) You’ll want to make sure your foundation is heavier, your eyebrows are darker, your blush pops more, and your lipstick is vibrant!Unless you are very confident in doing your own makeup, I suggest going to a professional makeup artist. For more tips on prepping your skin for this experience, check out my blog post about prepping for a professional photoshoot!

Don’t forget your nails! Your hands are most likely going to be in the photos. (lol, right?) I suggest getting your nails done the week of your session!


I love using movement to help pose for photos. So, if it is your style, bring a flow dress to wear during our session! They are great for pretty much every location and I love the way they look.

If this is not your style, please do not feel pressure to wear a flow dress (or a dress at all)! Choose outfits that you would wear already because you want to look like you in these photos. It’s difficult looking back at your photos and thinking, “Why did I choose this, I never wear this and it doesn’t even look like me!” I 1000% do NOT want you to feel this way! So let’s just avoid that!


Accessories accessories accessories! Can you tell that I loooovee these? They give you a great chance to express who you are and your personality. Do you love your car? Maybe you play an instrument. Jewelry, books, a bike? DO IT! And if you’re wondering, yes, absolutely bring your dog! I suggest thinking about things that are important to you and communicating with your photographer about bringing it/them.

I hope this helped you give you an idea about what to wear to your solo portrait session! Not only do you want to feel good, you want to look good, too! And I'm here to help you do that, every step of the way! If you have any more questions, make sure to communicate and chat about what your ideas are!

Talk soon,

Grace from Lihong Photography


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