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How to Prep for a Professional Photoshoot

Investing in a professional photoshoot can sometimes cost a lot of money! Now that you've booked a session, let's chat through a couple of things that may help you prepare for this huge occasion!

Not everyone enjoys getting their photos taken, and that's okay! When was the last time you had photos taken? Were you wearing something you hate? Maybe you even had no clue what to wear. The whole experience could have been incredibly tedious!

Don't worry. I'm here to help you with a few tips that may change your mindset on having your photos taken and enjoy capturing unrepeatable moments!

Book ahead of time

Often times, it can be tricky to coordinate schedules with your photographer. This isn't always the case, but it is something to be aware of. Whether it's a solo portrait session, a couples session, or a family session, make sure you book as early as you can. I generally advise my clients to book at least 3 weeks ahead of their desired date.

This give you time to make a checklist of everything you want to bring or have during your session. That way, you can gather your belongings beforehand and nothing will be forgotten!

There are many time in which a client will send me a location idea, too. Booking ahead of time give you time to think of anywhere special to have your session. Otherwise, I've got plenty of gorgeous locations in mind!

Beauty Prep

This section is heavily tied into booking ahead of time. When you have a good amount of time before your session, you give yourself time to pamper yourself! Consider a trip to the salon for root touch ups, a haircut trim, or snagging some extensions. Getting your nails done may not seem like a big deal, but your hands will be in your photos! If you're prepping for an engagement shoot, they definitely will be showcased.

Consider using face masks 2-3x a week before your session. I suggest avoiding harsh face masks such as exfoliators, peels, and clays. Sheet face masks are gentle on the skin without being too abrasive. This also reduces the chances of breakouts caused by irritated skin!

Use a lip scrub and chapstick. Please. I'll say it again for you. USE A LIP SCRUB AND CHAPSTICK. You won't regret it!

Consider drinking a lot of water and eating healthier before your session. Let's reduce the chances of being bloated, shall we? I want you to look and feel your best during your session and nothing ruins that faster than feeling super bloated! (Or at least for me 😂)

Plan your outfits

Did you need an excuse to go shopping? 🤩 Consider getting an outfit that you haven't worn before and you'll feel extra special during your session. Investing in photos is a big deal, and I want you to feel your absolute best!

Plan what outfits you're wearing. When you book a session with me, I send you a guide on how to style your outfits so that there are no clashing colors. If you already know where your session will be held, that helps plan your outfits well!

Plan small details, too. Hats, rings, other jewelry and statement pieces can bring a huge change to your photos. Don't forget to plan your accessories!

Things to bring during your session

Did you read the previous section? Well, just in case, don't forget your accessories that you spent so much time planning!

Props can be super fun during your session! Just don't bring too many and make sure to communicate beforehand. Your photos are about YOU. Too many props can make your photos distracting. Oh, and make sure they aren't dangerous and are allowed at your location. (Smoke bombs, I'm looking at you👀.)

Here's a quick list of other things to bring:

  • Makeup for touch-ups

  • Lint roller

  • Tylenol

  • Extra shoes (some locations require walking to)

Be on time

I totally understand that things can happen and being on time may be difficult. Traffic, accidents, and other things that are out of your control can be difficult to manage. As much as you can, try and arrive on time, even a little early.

Your session is scheduled for a certain amount of time and there are often other sessions or other commitments that are after your session. I want to make sure you have full use of your session time! That's why if you are more than 15 minutes late, your session is subject to rescheduling and even cancellation.

Arriving Camera Ready

When you arrive to your session, I expect your hair, makeup, and wardrobe to be as you want them for your pictures! If you've got multiple outfits, show up wearing your first outfit and bring your other outfit(s) to change into later.

Some people get their makeup done professionally, but if you're doing it yourself, make sure you apply it heavier than you would on a normal day. This helps you avoid looking washed out or gray on your photos.


Here is a quick list of what my clients told me helped them prep for their session the most:

  • Booking ahead of time

  • Face masks, nails, and beauty prep

  • Picking out their outfits

  • Bringing extra makeup

  • Arriving early

  • Coming camera ready

From getting to know your photographer to feeling more comfortable in front of the camera, there are many reasons why preparing for your professional photoshoot is important. While being in front of the camera can be stressful, I hope these tips help you come to your session feeling your absolute best!

Talk soon,

Grace from Lihong Photography



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