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Summer Mini Photos

Updated: May 27, 2022

Part 1.

Earlier this month, I took some photos to advertise my summer mini sessions. And in order to pull this off, I asked my best friend and her little family to give me 30 minutes of their time! In reality, they probably stayed longer than that, but that doesn't change how grateful I am for their help! Let's start with a super quick introduction.

The Family

Mom, Dad, and Baby girl (3 months old!)

The Occasion

Summer Mini

I set up a small lemonade stand, which you can see in the background. For a kiddo this young, I couldn't really have her interact too much with the stand/props. She was much happier with her parents nearby!

This session was such a blast and I can't wait to start a session with you, too!

Talk Soon,

Grace from Lihong Photography


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